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What if I need to change or cancel my flight with Vueling?

If something unexpected happens and you have to change your plans, you have several options to change or cancel your flight.

Did you have a trip planned and now it turns out that you have to change it? Or do you want to book your tickets now, but you're not sure if you might have to change the dates later? We tell you about the options you have with Vueling.

We just want to make one thing clear: when we talk about changing flights, we only refer to changing the dates and the change applies to all passengers in the booking. You can't change the flight origin or destination.

Flexibility and changes with Vueling

You can find all the information you need on flexibility and changes at Vueling.com, but, in a nutshell, this is what you need to know:

  • When you book a flight at Vueling.com, you can purchase Flex Pack (already included in the TimeFlex Fare). With this service you can change your flight date (and just pay the fare difference, if any), or, if you’re not sure when you want to fly, cancel your flight up to 48 hours before departure. In exchange you’ll get back the amount in the form of Flight Credit, which is like a virtual moneybox that enables you to book a flight in the future to any destination, for yourself or even for someone else! All the information on Flight Credit can be found here.
  • If you don’t purchase Flex Pack, you can still request a date change (no cancellation) up to 2 hours before departure, but you’ll be charged a change fee (it’s free if you travel with TimeFlex).
  • If there are exceptional circumstances (illness, surgery, high-risk pregnancy or court summons), you can request a flight change or cancellation in exchange for Flight Credit by providing the required documents.

Do you have cancellation insurance?


With cancellation insurance you can request a refund for the flight in case of illness, for the person who is ill and for the companions in the booking. It also covers you in case of theft of documentation or if you change jobs. But you do have to add it during the booking process; you will not be able to add it later on.

If you want health coverage during your trip, so you can travel worry-free, we recommend that you also take out Travel insurance to cover any medical costs.

How do I change or cancel my flight?

If you have booked a flight and want to change the date or cancel it, you will have to access your booking, either on the Vueling website or the app.

Then go to “Change your flight” if you just want to change the date, or “Cancel your booking” (if this option is available because you booked it) if you want to get the amount you paid back in the form of Flight Credit. You can then use that amount to fly to a different destination. If you need to request cancellation for a justified reason, you should contact Vueling.

So why not book your next trip today? Find the cheapest price for your flight and treat yourself to a few days away from it all. It's been a long time coming!

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