We love flying and especially if we manage to find great deals! Frequent flyers probably already know some of the tricks to find the best prices, but if you don't fly all that often, here are a few useful tips to find cheap flights:
Book in advance
If you know when and where you want to fly, don't put it off and book your flights right now. Be an early bird and catch the best deals!

Best time for travelling
If the aim is to travel for less, the best time to plan a getaway is autumn or right after the Christmas holidays. Flight prices are usually lower then. -
Flight times
If you don't mind what time you fly, midday is usually the best option. Flights are usually cheaper and you'll also avoid long queues and crowds at the airport. -
Return trip
If you already know what day you want to come home, don't wait until later to book your flight back. It's better to book a return trip just in case the prices go up later on. -
Add any extras online
If you think you'll need to check in a bag, do it in advance online. It will be up to 50% cheaper than at the airport. -
Airlines are launching promotions all the time. If you don't want to miss any, we recommend signing up to their newsletters and all the offers will go straight to your inbox. -
Don't believe the rumours...
Some people say the prices of flights go down at the last moment... That's simply not true. The price usually goes up as the seats are gradually sold out.
Now you know a few tips, there's no excuse... flying for less really is possible!