A 30.000 pies por viajeros para viajeros


Tips to travel with your snowboard on the plane

You've got your plane tickets, your accommodation and ski pass. Now all you have to do is get to your destination and enjoy a few days in the snow. You've earned it! If it's the first time you're flying with your skiing equipment and you're not sure how to carry it, read on because this information is useful.

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GDPR: what is it and how does it benefit me?

You're bound to have heard a lot about something called GDPR over the last few weeks, but do you know what it is? We'll explain it to you!

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Canary Islands: What's the best souvenir?

Are you lucky enough to have booked a trip to the Canary Islands to enjoy their eternal springtime? Congratulations! Because as well as coming back with a tan, a fridge magnet in the shape of a camel and a mug with a picture of the seven islands, you can bring lots more things home. And no, we haven't included the islands' typical bananas on the list of souvenirs from the Canaries!

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Tips for flying with an infant

First flight with your child? While it may all sound great in your head, new doubts arise every day. You're not sure exactly what you'll need or whether you have to follow any special procedures at the airport. Don't worry, we're going to give you some tips for flying with children to try to clear up any issues and make your experience a success story.

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