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What documentation do I need in order to travel?

It's important to check the documentation you need for flying beforehand in order to avoid last minute surprises. Here is a list of basic documents that you may need on your next trip.

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What can I do if my luggage gets lost?

Bags and other luggage (pushchairs, wheelchairs, special luggage, etc.) travel on ramps and go through controls inside the airports, and sometimes they might not reach their destination on time. What should we do if our bag doesn’t come out on the belt after we land?

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European Car Free Day: The cities with the highest awareness

Want to join in European Car Free Day? The aim of this initiative held every 22 September is to raise awareness about climate change by encouraging people to make their routine journeys on foot, by bike or by public transport. This year, as well as leaving your car at home, we invite you to inject some fun into it: get away to the European cities that are implementing policies to favour pedestrians and take a quiet stroll through the streets without worrying about the traffic.

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10 tips for flying comfortably with your baby

Mammaproof brings you some basic tips to survive a flight with little ones: how to get organised, practical tips, what you can bring on the plane (food, baby food and bottles, pushchair, etc.), what you can check in, and more.

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