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John Lennon statue

After more than four decades, the influence and sheer enormity of the Beatles is still present in many cities around the world , with streets, squares or monuments named after the Liverpudlian quartet that changed the history of rock for ever.

One of the most interesting tributes can be found in the Méndez Núñez Gardens in La Coruña and consists of a statue dedicated to John Lennon, who is depicted wearing his trademark glasses, grasping his guitar. An emotive memorial to the singer and composer who, together with Paul McCartney, wrote some of the most famous songs of all times and who now has a privileged place in this Galician city. It’s no surprise that every 8 December, the monument is covered in flowers to commemorate his death and to remember one of the most important artists of the 20th Century.

By David Moreu

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La Canea is one of the most beautiful cities in Crete, particularly for its Venetian buildings from the 15th century and the Mosque of the Janissaries.

The city grew up around the end of the Minoan era as an important city-state in Classical Greece, its borders extending from the bay of La Canea to the foot of the white mountains.

The Splantzia district, behind the port, has preserved all its ancient charm.

The city is also home to an Archaeology Museum with an excellent collection of Minoan ceramics and clay tablets and the enormous Schiavo Bastion. The lighthouse located at the end of the Venetian wall of the port is the best place on the island to go shopping.

Makes you want to go, right? Do it! Check out our prices here!

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The Red Line

The best way to learn by your own and guide yourself across Hanover, is to follow the route of its Red Line (Roter Faden) painted on the floor. Simply follow the 4,200 meters of its zigzagging red line that will take you through the 36 most important places in the city, discovering on your way different monuments, museums, fountains, gardens and essential buildings to learn everything of Hanover. And there are few just because Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony, is one of the cities with more cultural and architectural importance of the country

The tour begins in front of the Tourist Office and ends in the Ernst-Augusty, opposite the Central Station passing through the Opera House, the Historical Museum, the Church of St. Agatha, the new City Hall and the Museum August Kestner among many other interesting places.

Picture by Heidas

A place well worth discovering! Check out our flights here.

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A selection of family-friendly countries in Europe which are perfect for visiting with the kids this spring, by Mammaproof.

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