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Snacking In Old Barcelona

Beyond its spectacular monumental and historical heritage, Barcelona is an eminently gastronomic city. From restaurants with several Michelin stars to long-standing bars and taverns, the Catalan capital is geared to the delectation of the most refined palates. Today we wander through the old town in search of the bars and restaurants where you can sample the best tapas on this side of the Mediterranean.

Gothic Quarter

So many eateries cracked up as tourist destinations can be confusing when it comes to choosing a good place for having tapas. In the lower part of the Gothic Quarter, near the sea, is Bar La Plata. This classic has been offering the same four tapas ever since it opened in 1945. Be sure to try the onion, tomato and anchovy salad, the butifarra (pork sausage) or the scrumptious pescaíto frito (fresh fried fish). Washed down with a good aperitif, it is unlikely to leave you indifferent. La Plata also happens to be one of the favourite watering holes of chef Ferran Adrià.

And, from one classic to another. The delicatessen, La Pineda, has been on Calle Pi since 1930. Its cured meats are excellent and you can sit down to sample some Iberian cured ham, chorizo, fuet (both cured pork sausages) and lomo (pork loin) with a glass of red wine or sherry.


El Born is one of Barcelona’s trendiest quarters and it is brimming with restaurants and bars.

One of our favourites is Cal Pep. Here you can sit at a table or at the bar counter and the object of this establishment is that guests share out dishes as if they were tapas. Everything is designation of origin, with priority accorded to local produce. The fame of this eatery is well deserved.

The same holds true for Bar del Pla, where traditional cuisine is imbued with the young spirit of its proprietors. The calamari croquettes are spectacular, as are their patatas bravas (fried potatoes with spicy sauce). We recommend you try the dish of the day, and take advice when it comes to choosing the right wine.

You can’t leave El Born without stopping off at El Xampanyet, one of the city’s best known tapas bars. Here, the star beverage is xampanyet, a mild cava which goes down easily and is ideal for accompanying their famous anchovies, pickles and one of the best omelettes in town.

As in other European cities, there are several firms in Barcelona that offer gastronomic tours. For those of you wishing to find out more about Catalan and Spanish cuisine, we recommend Food Lovers Company, one of the best rated businesses for their competitive prices and the professionalism of their guides.

Book your Vueling to Barcelona and venture into the world of its magnificent cuisine.

Text by Aleix Palau for Los Viajes de ISABELYLUIS



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Ruta Gran Canaria

A train to the clouds

A front row seat to touch the sky. That's Gran Canaria, an island with many points to observe the firmament. High peaks and clear, dark skies are some of the advantages to its contemplation in the island. Also, and thanks to the phenomenon called by locals 'Panza de Burro', which makes the clouds gather low above sea level, and that blocks the light pollution of cities.

Some companies, such as the Astronomical Observatory Temisas, thst carries out ​​many of such activities in different places of the island. And AstroEduca with its teaching about astronomy.

Tejeda and the summits of Gran Canaria

The protected landscape of great beauty of Las Cumbres, spans a very important sector of the north and northeast of the island of Gran Canaria, in the municipalities of Artenara, Gáldar, Guide, Moya, Tejeda, Valleseco, Valsequillo and San Mateo.

Crowning the summit, in the center of the island is the highest point of Gran Canaria, Pico de las Nieves. Let´s dare to climb it by bike!

The best waves for surfers

On Gran Canaria there are many schools to learn surfing, windsurfing and kite if you are a begginer, or toimprove your level if you already have some knowledge. One way to release adrenaline while you enjoy the famous beaches of the island like Maspalomas, Playa del Inglés, Mogán, Puerto Rico, Agaete, Meloneras and San Augustine, to name some of the most emblematic.

Vegueta: Extremely charming neighborhood

Vegueta is really beautiful and concentrates the main architectural attractions of Las Palmas. Near the beach of Las Canteras is one of the biggest attractions of the city.

It is recommended to visit the area slowly, savoring its rich architecture and some of her jewelry as Literary Cabinet, the squares of Santa Ana, the Holy Spirit and of Santo Domingo and churches that dot.

It is also highly recommended a bath in one of the best urban beaches: Las Canteras. A good place to enjoy beautiful sunsets.

Sailors villages

As Agaete, where you'll find plenty of restaurants to enjoy a tasty meal of local fish and other fresh seafood. Do not leave without trying a good grilled fish-based groupers, traveling, mullet and octopus or fish paella.

Should come to the old salt Agaete, now converted into a fantastic natural pools.

Teror. Pure essence

Teror Teror or Villa Mariana is one of the oldest settlements on the island and an old town in the area around his basilica declared historical-artistic heritage. The Basilica of the Virgen del Pino, is a place of pilgrimage for all the inhabitants of Gran Canaria. And Teror Square, a good place to appreciate the typical Canarian architecture balconies.

The village is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty and ecological value as the Natural Park Doramas Azuaje, with ravines and Moya, Pino Santo or Parque de Sintes.

A place well worth discovering! Check out our flights here.

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Holland The Bicycle Paradise

The bicycle is clearly one of the identity traits of the Netherlands, as are their canals, windmills and tulips. The flat terrain, with hardly any slopes, and the fabulous infrastructure available for this ecological means of transport, makes it the ideal land for cyclotourism. Following is our selection  of four itineraries for discovering Holland from a healthier perspective, both in terms of environment and fitness.

Route Through Amsterdam

A comfortable, entertaining way of touring the Dutch capital is by emulating most of its inhabitants and pedalling through it on two wheels. Riding comfortably along the city’s streets poses no problems, as Amsterdam is fully cycle-aware and caters specifically for bicycles. You should, however, be mindful of the rules governing the use of cycle lanes and cycling areas; otherwise, you are more than likely to be on the receiving end of a reprimand.

In addition to getting about the historic centre in search of landmarks, we recommend you head for Amsterdamse Bos (Amsterdam Forest), where you can indulge in nature to the full. Located four kilometres from the centre, this huge park acts as the city’s green lung and leisure area. Take note!

Tulip Route

The best way to enjoy spring in Holland is by pedalling through the countryside carpeted in tulips. The most spectacular sightseeing period is in April and May, when the tulips come into flower. This route, which starts and ends in Amsterdam, will bring you into contact with nature in all its splendour. It runs for 305 kilometres and lasts 8 days, taking you to such towns as Gouda, known for its cheese; Delft, famous for its blue ceramic; Leiden, the birthplace of Rembrandt, and Haarlem, where you should make a point of visiting the museum dedicated to the painter, Franz Hals. The highlight of this itinerary is Keukenhof. This huge park, regarded as one of the most beautiful in Europe, is located between the towns of Leiden and Haarlem.

Windmill Route 

Another iconic landmark of the Netherlands are its windmills, which also have their own bicycle route. The point of departure and arrival is Bunnik, located next to Utrecht, and the itinerary involves covering 200 kilometres in six days. The high point of this trip isKinderdijk,a polder situated at the confluence of the rivers Lek and Noordt which is drained by a system of 19 windmills built around the year 1740. The route will also take you past Dordrecht, one of the oldest cities in Holland, and Gokum, set amid some fantastic scenery.

North Sea Route

The North Sea coast has some beautiful spots that make a cycling getaway well worth your while. To see it in all its splendour, we propose an itinerary of under 50 kilometres, running from The Hague to Zandvoort, which affords some beautiful sea views and takes you past lovely beaches.

You can obtain maps of these and many other routes, with details of each itinerary, from the Dutch Tourist Board. Book your Vueling here and venture through the Netherlands on their star means of transport – the bicycle.

Text by Los Viajes de ISABELYLUIS

Images by Bùi Thụy Đào Nguyên, Mandie, Tarod

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A Bauhaus Tour of Weimar and Dessau

The Bauhaus School – from the German bau (construction) and haus (house) – was probably one of the most important and revolutionary driving forces in the 20th century in the fields of art, design and architecture. In the short space of merely 20 years, a team of inquiring artists and architects, influenced by the social movements of the time, managed to overturn the prevailing way of conceiving art and architecture and their relationship to society. Their achievements include laying the foundations for industrial design, graphic design and modern architecture. What’s more, they even put forward and saw implemented an alternative educational model which was ahead of its time. A host of figures succumbed to such innovation and each contributed their grain of sand, including Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, László Moholy-Nagy, Marcel Breuer and Lyonel Feininger.

A good way of taking stock of that brilliant past, which we are now so indebted to, is by visiting two cities where the movement was based –Weimar and Dessau.

Weimar – The First Steps

Weimar was the first of three centres of Bauhaus activity. No wonder, then, that this city had already been the hub of the German Enlightenment and a meeting place for intellectuals. The Bauhaus was founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, who took his first tentative steps in the Haus Hohe Pappeln, a school of arts and crafts designed by a pioneer of modernity, Henry van de Velde.

The only building in the Bauhaus style still standing in Weimar is the Haus am Horn, built in 1923 and designed by Georg Muche, a painter and lecturer at the Bauhaus. The building was designated World Heritage of the 20th Century in 1996.

Located in the Theaterplatz is the Weimar Bauhaus Museum, a moderately sized venue devoted to the Bauhaus. A much more spacious centre is due to be inaugurated in 2018.

Dessau – The Boom

In 1925, Walter Gropius was forced to close the school in Weimar for political reasons, but he received the necessary support to move it to Dessau. Fortunately, in the case of Dessau, there are lots of buildings that have survived to the present, including the school itself, regarded as a masterpiece of European rationalism. When preparing the groundwork for your tour of the various Bauhaus landmarks in the city, we recommend you browse this website to check the times and to book your tickets, as not all the areas are admission free.

Bauhaus Building (Bauhausgebäude).The work of Walter Gropius, this is the most emblematic of the Bauhaus constructions. Built in 1925 and 1926, it is made up of various interconnecting volumes, each with a different function. Building work involved the use of industrial techniques and a striking feature of the design is the glazed frontage.

Masters’ Houses (Meisterhäuser).Located near the school, this ensemble of four residential buildings was home to the masters: Gropius, Moholy-Nagy/Feninger, Muche/Schelemer and Kandinsky/Klee. Their interiors are open to the public, except for that of Gropius, which was destroyed during the war.

Törten Estate. The work of Walter Gropius, this ensemble of 300 houses was built in 1920 in the south of Dessau. Commissioned by the City Council, it is a prototype of a housing estate and was intended to act as a model for social housing.

Kornhaus. More playful in design, this restaurant and pub overlooking the river Elbe was designed by Carl Fieger, a draughtsman in Gropius’ practice.

Berlin was the last of the Bauhaus centres, where it was located from 1932 to 1934. However, the rise of National Socialism would put an end to this brilliant core of creativity and innovation, driving it to other countries, but the mark it left has survived until the present.

From Leipzig it is an easy train ride to both Weimar and Dessau, where you can steep yourself in the Bauhaus. Check out your flight here!


Text by Los Viajes de ISABELYLUIS


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